Mac Keys For Save On Word
Pixel led edit software, free download. Place your cursor in the 'Press new shortcut key:' box, and then assign a key combination for the selected macro by pressing the desired key combination. You must use a combination of Ctrl or Alt (Ctrl or Cmd in Mac OS) and a letter, number, or symbol (e.g., Ctrl-a or Ctrl-u). When you are satisfied with your shortcut, click Assign. The Option key also enables you to enable the Save As option in Mac apps.Just press it when you click on the File menu and you'll see the new options. You may be wondering whether you can use the.
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The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts built into ImageJ. You can create additional shortcuts, or override built in shortcuts, by creating simple macrosand adding them to the StartupMacros file. You can also assign a function key to a menu commandusing Plugins/Shortcuts/Create Shortcut.Except when using the text tool, you do not need to hold down the control key to use a keyboard shortcut.Shortcut | ||
New>Image | n | Create new image or stack |
New>Text Window | shift+n | Create new text window |
New>System Clipboard | shift+v | Create image from system clipboard |
Open | o | Open TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS, etc. |
Open Next | shift+o | Open next image in folder |
Open Samples | shift+b | Opens 'Blobs' example image |
Close | w | Close the active window |
Save | s | Save active image in Tiff format |
Revert | r | Revert to saved version of image |
p | Print active image | |
Undo | z | Undo last operation |
Cut | x | Copy selection to internal clipboard and clear |
Copy | c | Copy selection to internal clipboard |
Paste | v | Paste contents of internal clipboard |
Clear | backspace | Erase selection to background color |
Fill | f | Fill selection in foreground color |
Draw | d | Draw selection |
Invert | shift+i | Invert image or selection |
Selection>Select All | a | Select entire image |
Selection>Select None | shift+a | Delete selection |
Selection>Restore | shift+e | Restore previous selection |
Selection>Add to Manager | t | Add selection to ROI Manager |
Adjust>Contrast | shift+c | Adjust brightness and contrast |
Adjust>Threshold | shift+t | Adjust threshold levels |
Show Info | i | Display information about active image |
Properties | shift+p | Display image properties |
Color>Color Picker | shift+k | Open Color Picker |
Stacks>Next Slice | > or → | Go to next stack slice |
Stacks>Previous Slice | < or ← | Go to previous stack slice |
Stacks>Reslice | / | Reslice stack |
Stacks>Animation | Start/stop stack animation | |
Hyperstacks>Channels | shift+z | Open 'Channels' tool |
Hyperstacks | > or → | Next hyperstack channel |
Hyperstacks | < or ← | Previous hyperstack channel |
Hyperstacks | ctrl+> | Next hyperstack slice |
Hyperstacks | ctrl+< | Previous hyperstack slice |
Hyperstacks | alt+> | Next hyperstack frame |
Hyperstacks | alt+< | Previous hyperstack frame |
Crop | shift+x | Crop active image or selection |
Duplicate | shift+d | Duplicate active image or selection |
Scale | e | Scale image or selection |
Zoom>In | + or ↑ | Make image larger |
Zoom>Out | - or ↓ | Make image smaller |
Zoom>Original Scale | 4 | Revert to original zoom level |
Zoom>View 100% | 5 | Zoom to 1:1 |
Smooth | shift+s | 3x3 unweighted smoothing |
Repeat Command | shift+r | Repeat previous command |
Measure | m | Display statistics about active image or selection |
Histogram | h | Display histogram of active image or selection |
Plot Profile | k | Display density profile plot of current selection |
Gels>Select First | 1 | Select first gel lane |
Gels>Select Next | 2 | Select next gel lane |
Gels>Plot Lanes | 3 | Plot gel lanes |
Macros>Install | shift+m | Install a macro set |
Utilities>Capture Screen | shift+g | Grab screenshot |
Utilities>Find Commands | l | List, find and launch commands |
Show All | shift+f | Make all windows visible |
Put Behind | tab | Switch to next image window |
ImageJ | enter | Bring 'ImageJ' window to front |
Alt Key Modifications
Hold down the alt key to alter the behavior of thefollowing commands and tools as indicated.
File/Open Next: Open Previous
File/Revert: Don't show dialog
Edit/Copy: Copy to system clipboard
Edit/Draw: Draw and label
Image/Adjust/Threshold: Adjusting Min also adjusts Max
Image/Color/RGB Split: Keep original image
Image/Stacks/Add Slice: Insert before current slice
Image/Stacks/Next Slice: Skip nine slices
Image/Stacks/Previous Slice: Skip nine slices
Image/Stacks/Start Animation: Show options dialog
Image/Duplicate: Don't show dialog
Process/Equalize: Do classic histogram equalization
Process/Subtract Background: Show background image
Analyze/Histogram: Show dialog
Analyze/Plot Profile: For rect. selections, generate row average plot
Analyze/Plot Profile: For wide straight lines, display rotated contents
Analyze/Gels/Select First Lane: Assume lanes are horizontal
Analyze/Tools/Analyze Line Graph: Show intermediate image
Analyze/Tools/Roi Manager ('Add'): Name and add selection
Plugins/Utilities/ImageJ Properties: List all Java properties
Plugins/Utilities/Monitor Memory: Simulate 640x480 frame grabber
Plugins/Compile and Run: Display dialog
Any User Plugin: Load using new class loader
Area selection tool: Subtract this selection from the previous one
Polygon selection tool: Alt-click on a node to delete it
Straight line tool: Rotate/resize the line about its center
Segmented line tool: Alt-click on a node to delete it
Point tool: Alt-click on a point to delete it
Color picker tool: Alt-click to 'pick up' background color
All tools: Show location and size in pixels
Shift Key Modifications
Hold down the shift key to alter the behavior of thefollowing commands and tools as indicated.
Image/Adjust/Threshold: Adjusting Min also adjusts Max
Image/Zoom/In: Do not enlarge window
Analyze/Histogram: Display log histogram
Analyze/Tools/Roi Manager ('Add'): Draw and add selection
Macros in Plugin menu: Open instead of run
Dec 23, 2018 33 female portraits: 7 wood elves, 2 pale elves, 4 godlikes, 19 humans. Spoils of Caed Nua - adds several accessories from Pillars of Eternity 1 to various. Hope Obs work on some more portraits for POE 2. There is a distinct lack of options for some races. Elves, Humans and Dwarves can be found with a bit of searching, but the races distinct to Pillars, Orlans, Aumua and Godlike are a real pain, and in some cases you just can't find good portraits. Tips on how to add custom portraits to crew? I can get them for the hire page, but i cant get the small one to work on the ship management screen. I went to ships.gamedatabundle and changed the portrait name. Just keep getting a white box and red x. Portraits are just saved as maleaumauagsm.png for example. Pillars of eternity 2 custom portraits. Oct 30, 2018 videogameasset Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. You can use in place of the watercolours for your own favourite custom portraits. Just rename the.
Rectangle and Oval selection tools: Force selection to be square
Area selection tool: Add this selection to previous one
Polygon selection tool: Shift-click on a node to duplicate it
Segmented line selection tool: Shift-click on a node to duplicate it
Point selection tool: Shift-click to add a point
Space Bar Modifications
Any Tool: Temporarily switch to the 'hand' (scrolling) toolArrow KeysThe four arrow keys move selection outlines one pixel at a time. Resize rectangular and oval selections by holding down the the alt (option) and while using the arrow keys.The up and down arrow keys zoom the image in and out. If there is a selection, you must also hold down either the shift or the control key.(Requires v1.42 or later.) The right and left arrow keys subsitute for ' for moving through a stack. If there is a selection, you must also hold down the shift key. With hyperstacks,the right and left arrow keys change the channel. Hold down the control key tomove through the slices and the alt key to movethrough the frames.(Requires v1.42 or later.) |
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Below is a listing of the more commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Word. See the computer shortcuts page if you are looking for a list of shortcut keys used in other programs. Please be aware that some of these shortcuts may not work in all versions of Microsoft Word.
NoteIf the device you are using does not have function keys (F1-F12) on its keyboard, like a Chromebook, certain shortcuts will be unavailable to you.
NoteSome of the Microsoft Word shortcut keys below may not work in Word 365.
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+0 | Toggles 6pts of spacing above the paragraph. |
Ctrl+A | Select all contents of the page. |
Ctrl+B | Bold highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+C | Copy selected text. |
Ctrl+D | Open the font preferences window. |
Ctrl+E | Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen. |
Ctrl+F | Open find box. |
Ctrl+I | Italic highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+J | Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen. |
Ctrl+K | Insert a hyperlink. |
Ctrl+L | Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen. |
Ctrl+M | Indent the paragraph. |
Ctrl+N | Opens new, blank document window. |
Ctrl+O | Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open. |
Ctrl+P | Open the print window. |
Ctrl+R | Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen. |
Ctrl+S | Save the open document. Like Shift+F12. |
Alt+F, A | Save the document under a different file name. |
Alt+X | Show the Unicode code of a highlighted character. |
Ctrl+T | Create a hanging indent. |
Ctrl+U | Underline the selected text. |
Ctrl+V | Paste. |
Ctrl+W | Close the currently open document. |
Ctrl+X | Cut selected text. |
Ctrl+Y | Redo the last action performed. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo last action. |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Quickly create a bullet point. |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Change the font. |
Ctrl+Shift+> | Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts. |
Ctrl+] | Increase selected font +1pts. |
Ctrl+Shift+< | Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, decreases font by +2pt. |
Ctrl+[ | Decrease selected font -1pts. |
Ctrl+/+c | Insert a cent sign (¢). |
Ctrl+'+<char> | Insert a character with an accent (acute) mark, where <char> is the character you want. For example, if you wanted an accented é you would use Ctrl+'+e as your shortcut key. To reverse the accent mark, use the opposite accent mark, often found on the tilde key. |
Ctrl+Shift+* | View or hide non printing characters. |
Ctrl+<left arrow> | Moves one word to the left. |
Ctrl+<right arrow> | Moves one word to the right. |
Ctrl+<up arrow> | Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph. |
Ctrl+<down arrow> | Moves to the end of the paragraph. |
Ctrl+Del | Deletes word to right of cursor. |
Ctrl+Backspace | Deletes word to left of cursor. |
Ctrl+End | Moves the cursor to the end of the document. |
Ctrl+Home | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document. |
Ctrl+Spacebar | Reset highlighted text to the default font. |
Ctrl+1 | Single-space lines. |
Ctrl+2 | Double-space lines. |
Ctrl+5 | 1.5-line spacing. |
Ctrl+Alt+1 | Changes text to heading 1. |
Ctrl+Alt+2 | Changes text to heading 2. |
Ctrl+Alt+3 | Changes text to heading 3. |
Alt+Ctrl+F2 | Open new document. |
Ctrl+F1 | Open the Task Pane. |
Ctrl+F2 | Display the print preview. |
Ctrl+Shift+> | Increases the selected text size by one font size. |
Ctrl+Shift+< | Decreases the selected text size by one font size. |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Switches to another open Microsoft Word document. |
Ctrl+Shift+F12 | Prints the document. |
F1 | Open help. |
F4 | Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+). |
F5 | Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word. |
F7 | Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document. |
F12 | Save As. |
Shift+F3 | Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word. |
Shift+F7 | Runs a Thesaurus check on the selected word. |
Shift+F12 | Save the open document. Like Ctrl+S. |
Shift+Enter | Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph. |
Shift+Insert | Paste. |
Shift+Alt+D | Insert the current date. |
Shift+Alt+T | Insert the current time. |
You can also utilize the mouse to perform some common actions. The following section contains examples of mouse shortcuts.
Mac Keys For Save On Word 2017
Mouse shortcuts | Description |
Click, hold, and drag | Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go. |
Double-click | If double-clicking a word, selects the complete word. |
Double-click | Double-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line makes the alignment of the text left, center, or right aligned. |
Double-click | Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line sets a tab stop. |
Triple-click | Selects the line or paragraph of the text where the mouse is triple-clicked. |
Ctrl+Mouse wheel | Zooms in and out of document. |